Since inception, the University of Nigeria Nsukka has led in forming a contextual system for presenting Contemporary Nigerian art and culture. At the Department of Fine and Applied Arts, the leadership of Professor Uche Okeke with assembling a team of intellectuals gave birth to a unique aesthetic, and homegrown sensibility in navigating the world. We learned under masters who were living libraries- Udechukwu, Aniakor, El Anatsui, etc. My former classmate and dear friend Professor Ozioma Onuzuluike has carried on the baton. He is lecturer now at the University of Nigeria Nsukka and also serves as Director of the Institute of African Studies in the university. There is a call for papers on the subject of Continuity and Change: Rethinking African- European Encounters. I hope you can share this poster. Maybe someone has something to say about this topic. We can all learn as these ideas are elaborated on. See the poster for more details.
